State and territory program contacts

Entering at the state or territory level is the only path into the Australian Export Awards national program.

Applications open 29 April

More about how to apply.

The program is made possible through the strong collaboration of all Australian states and territories.

For more information on your state or territory export awards program, please get in touch with the relevant contact below.

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Chief Minister's Export Awards
Delivered by Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre on behalf of the ACT Government.

Anna Pino or Candice Edye
Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre  
Phone: 02 6163 8300

Social Media 
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @ACT Government
X handle:  @actgovernment

New South Wales

NSW Export Awards
Delivered by the Export Council of Australia in partnership with the NSW Government.

My Nguyen
Administrative and Marketing Assistant 
Export Council of Australia 
Phone: 02 8243 7400  

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Export Council of Australia
X handle:  @aussieexport
Instagram handle: @aussieexport

Northern Territory

Chief Minister’s Northern Territory  Export Awards
Delivered by the Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory on behalf of the Northern Territory Government.

Camilla Philip
Trade Development
Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations (DTBAR)
Phone: 08 8999 6300

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Industry Northern Territory
Facebook handle: @Industry Northern Territory 


Premier of Queensland’s Export Awards
Delivered by Trade & Investment Queensland.

Tiffany Madsen
Principal Events Officer
Trade and Investment Queensland
Phone: 0431 422 345  

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Trade and Investment Queensland
X handle: @ tradeinvestqld
Instagram handle: @ tradeinvestqld
Facebook handle: @Trade and Investment Queensland

South Australia

South Australian Premier’s Business and Export Awards
Delivered by the South Australian Business Chamber in partnership with the Government of South Australia.

Maggie Li
Manager, International Services
South Australian Business Chamber
Phone: 08 8300 0093

John May
Manager, Grants Programs
Department of State Development
Phone: 0423 025 390

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Business SA
X handle: @business_sa
Instagram handle:
Facebook handle: @Business SA


Tasmanian Export Awards
Delivered by the Department of State Growth.

Annette Roberts
Trade Connections and Events Officer
Trade Tasmania
Phone: 03 6165 5049 

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Trade Tasmania


Governor of Victoria Export Awards
Delivered by Global Victoria.

Kirsty Hayes
Trade Manager, Clients
Global Victoria
Phone: 0414 309 176

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Global Victoria
X handle: @Global_Vic

Western Australia

Western Australian Export Awards
Delivered by Invest and Trade Western Australia on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DJTSI).

Philippe Pierson
Manager Business Development, Invest and Trade WA
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Sue Nouraie
Senior Business Development Officer, Invest and Trade WA
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Phone:  08 6277 2922

Social Media
Use the hash tag #ExportAwards and tag Austrade on social media:
LinkedIn page: @Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation
Instagram handle: @westernaustralia